
Do you feel you need to rescue your child from public school? Do you know how badly children need to have more safety and better education?

  • Sexual depredation
  • Bullying
  • Low reading scores
  • Cultural ignorance
  • Not understanding math which is necessary to most high paying jobs
  • Not being taught to think well
  • Lack of specialized, individualized help to overcome learning problems?
  • Not ready for the workforce or citizenship duties
  • Character formed incorrectly, instead of for: diligence, honesty, altruism, civility

I can help you start a “K-12” school that will develop character, academic strength, and along with income to you.

I have been training teachers of all kinds, coaching pres-school directors, and doing consulting for owners & boards for more than 20 years. Now it is time for me to help many start schools.

Schools the way we tend to think of them is a big project: it takes big planning, big space, big budget, and lots of staff. Call me if you want big help.

However, there is a new method called micro-school. The right person, truly called and gifted for project who will take action can start a micro school in about 2 weeks. I can show you how. And, potentially, make good money.

This is what it looks like: you sitting with a table full of children grades 2-5, following curricula that you pretty much just have to open and read. Today maybe you are studying the Roman empire. You read the lesson, and every student works on a project at his or her level. When the youngsters go for a nap, you check in with older students who have been working on their own. You might let parents teach the 4, 5 and 6 year olds with curriculum from same series. OR You might have a younger group that you teach 1 hour in the morning and have a good education time with another teacher. You can dismiss at 3, or if your parents want full-time care, you can have playground time, project time, and so forth. A fair sized home with living room and den and a good backyard might suffice, or even a smallish church fellowship hall and one or two classrooms. My house, 2 friends, and I could handle 20 children, but this varies with children, teachers, and space.

While the regulations to start a daycare are multitudinous and onerous, in Texas at any rate, it is fairly easy to start a private school: https://www2.ed.gov/about/inits/ed/non-public-education/regulation-map/texas.html

Sign up & get explanatory audio: what this looks like to do.

It does not take teacher training If you can take direction: read the curricula. If you are called of God, God will gift you. You can also get ongoing training and encouragement from me.

Imagine! No more struggling with teachers and administrators who care more about fighting than teaching your child. No more worrying when your child leaves your door. No more fear of craziness of inappropriate control. No more shakiness of doctrinal or pedagogical foundations. No more budget worries! Only happy children, sunny days, good grades, lots of fun… and money.

BUT: 1. Can you run a business?

2. Can you take care of payroll in a legal manner?

3. Will you know how to be safe from all comers?

4. Can you avoid the bad habits and harmful pedagogical methods you were trained in?

CONSULTING : Ten sessions in 10 weeks with information and question answering as you start. (eventually I hope to have an ongoing MasterMind Group for micro-school teachers. )

Investment : One exploratory meeting $240 (current half price, so $120 for a limited time.) Set of ten meetings for $997.00 Mail a check to: P.O. Box 971 Cedar Park Texas, 78613 or Zelle at info@orgstrat.net. You probably would like to contact me for faster response: Email info@orgstrat.net and we can set up a time for your first meeting.

  • How to Start a Daycare/Preschool as a Mission book in pdf form worth $12.19
  • The Government is not a Village book worth $18.97
  • How to Leave a Legacy in Your Child audio series worth $90.00
  • Management Training: 5 Secrets to Good Hiring audio track worth $50.00
  • Audio training: Introduction to Writing, Reading, and Arithmetic audio series worth $97.00 Explains how to teach with out fail, in a fun way.

(well, sorry, in progress on this one.)

Some people say to me:

I don’t have a teacher certificate. Good! Then you don’t have bad habits. The curriculum I will put you with needs you to be able to read and follow directions. The good teaching skill, the fun projects, and the Biblical foundation is written in the curricula and has been serving homeschool families for 15 years. A grandmother homeschooler might be idea. A teacher may be able to do it, if she is willing to unlearn and follow directions.

  1. I just can’t imagine what it would be like to start a business. Okay. That is what is in my lead magnet. I will outline the steps for you there. However, each situation is different, and that is what we do together in your consulting sessions.
  2. I just don’t have the space; I live in an apartment. Okay. How about renting space in a church? Or rent your apartment complex’s party room during the day.
  3. Well, I do want good character, but what kind of doctrine comes in this curricula? The My Father’s World curricula is designed to value the Bible and take no side on any doctrinal controversies. The authors are born-again Christians. There are other suitable Christian curricula, as well, but it must be widely age graded.
  4. I want to be sure that students will be prepared for college. Yes, this curriculum is written in such a way that the student should be ready for the workforce or college upon graduating. It includes suggested reading at every grade level that is culturally and morally enriching. If you want help beefing up the curricula at the senior level because you envision your student(s) going to a rigorous, competitive senior university, I can help there, as I taught at the college level for more than 15 years.
  5. I am not sure that I can teach reading and writing. No worries. This curriculum is vetted to do a good job at that. You are not thrown in at the with lessons the children have to read. Manipulables are included. If you want help beefing these up, I can help. I have Montessori Training from St. Nicholas in London; and I have experience in teaching children with learning disabilities to speak, read, and write. It is amazingly easier when you have the right methods!
  6. How much will it cost? Amazingly little. You will need to ready the room. You should have your staff/partners take training. You might want to invest a little in advertising if you don’t already have a group of parents. You will need to buy curriculum. However, you can charge market rate — something like $800/month depending on where you live — and you can charge for the curricula or charge a month ahead and that way — defray the start-up expenses. Just make a vision budget — and start thinking about money you will make.
  7. Is this too good to be true? It is true, but it will take doing.

Well, maybe later, but for now, YOU BET, I WANT MORE INFORMATION